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Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, 35th Edition

CLSI M100-Ed35 includes updated tables for the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute antimicrobial susceptibility testing standards CLSI M02| Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests, 14th Edition (2024), CLSI M07| Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That Grow Aerobically, 12th Edition (2024), and CLSI M11 | Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria, 9th Edition (2018).

Discounted package pricing is available for the new editions of the related standards documents CLSI M02 and CLSI M07, and CLSI M100. Click here for more information.

Print copies will be available for shipping mid-February 2025. You will receive an e-mail notification when your print order has shipped. Questions or concerns? Please e-mail us at customerservice@clsi.org.

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Chairholder: James S. Lewis II, PharmD, FIDSA

Date of Publication: January 27, 2025

Order Code PDF: CLSI M100Ed35E
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-263-2

Order Code Print: CLSI M100Ed35
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-262-5

Edition: 35th

Pages: 428

CLSI M100 Additional Details

A CLSI supplement for global application.

If interested in ordering larger quantities of this document in print, please contact us .

CLSI M100 Abstract

The data in the tables are valid only if the methodologies in CLSI M02,1 M07,2 and M113 are followed. These standards contain information about disk diffusion (CLSI M021) and dilution (CLSI M072 and CLSI M113) test procedures for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Clinicians depend heavily on information from the microbiology laboratory for treating their seriously ill patients. The clinical importance of antimicrobial susceptibility test results demands that these tests be performed under optimal conditions and that laboratories have the capability to provide results for the newest antimicrobial agents. The tables presented in CLSI M100 represent the most current information for drug selection, interpretation, and quality control using the procedures standardized in CLSI M02,1 M07,2 and M11.3 Users should replace previously published tables with these new tables. Changes in the tables since the previous edition appear in boldface type.