CEO Glen Fine's Farewell Message

As I depart CLSI and enter the new phase of retired life on July 1, I would like to take a moment to reflect and give my thanks to all who have made my 17 years as your CEO the most rewarding and deepest honor of my life.
I considered writing about CLSI’s great mission and relevance, and the impact of CLSI’s role in the field of laboratory medicine globally. However, if you have been involved with CLSI in any meaningful way as a volunteer, member, customer, or staff member, you already understand it.
“They” (whoever that is) say stick with your first instincts when answering exam questions, so I will do the same here. As I write this message, I am immediately struck with two overriding thoughts. First and foremost, ever since my first day at CLSI I continue to be in awe of our volunteers. You give your talents, insights, and countless hours of valuable precious time in the name of improving the health care of people (and animals) without any compensation, and often without the fullest appreciation and recognition so you richly deserve. Truly extraordinary.
Second, are the wonderful professional and personal friendships I have developed over the years. One of my wife, Terry, and my early retirement dreams is to rent or buy an RV (if gas prices ever come down!) to tour North America and conduct a “voyage of rediscovery” to catch-up with professional colleagues over my 45-year career. You know the drill; we always promise to stay in touch with so many people when we leave an organization, but we often never actually do it. I just started creating the list this weekend, and it includes over 100 people so far. We’ll be forced to start triaging, which speaks volumes in and of itself. I will miss so many of you as friends as well as professional colleagues. It sure makes a big difference when you genuinely like the people you work with, and for.
Being your CEO has been the greatest honor of my life. But the timing for my retirement simply could not have been scripted any better. I am enormously proud of the organization that CLSI has become, and I know we are poised for greater things ahead. It’s time for fresh ideas and energy that Barb Jones and our fantastic staff will bring. For me, it’s time to kick back and enjoy family and fun times with others while I’m still young and healthy enough to enjoy life to the fullest.
So, my deepest heartfelt thanks for such great opportunities, experiences, and friendships created. I will have no shortage of rocking chair memories to cherish.
All the best my friends,
Glen Fine