Today is World AIDS Day

Today, December 1, 2017, we acknowledge World AIDS Day. To complement the global World AIDS Day 2017 campaign which promotes the theme "Right to health,” the World Health Organization (WHO) will highlight the need for all 36.7 million people living with HIV and those who are vulnerable and affected by the epidemic, to reach the goal of universal health coverage. According to the WHO, Universal health coverage means that all people receive the health services they need without experiencing financial hardship, including access to the full range of HIV services. The World Health Organization is using the slogan “Everybody counts.”
CLSI Partnerships staff and volunteers travel the globe to give resource-constrained laboratories the tools and training needed to provide quality HIV and other infectious disease laboratory test results. This includes providing training on implementing the WHO/CDC handbook Improving the quality of HIV-related point-of-care testing: ensuring the reliability and accuracy of test results. Learn more about CLSI’s Partnerships program here.