World Blood Donor Day 2018

World Blood Donor Day, celebrated every year on June 14, is a day to thank volunteer blood donors for their life-saving gift and to raise awareness of the need for blood donations. Regular blood donations help to ensure the quality and availability of blood and blood products for patients around the world. This year’s theme is “Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life.”
Millions of lives are saved every year by transfusion of blood and blood products, from surgical patients and patients with chronic life-threatening diseases, to victims of natural disasters.
One of the most important components of a quality health system is an adequate supply of blood and blood products that are regularly donated by volunteers. In many countries, the blood supply is inadequate, and quality and safety are insufficient due to a lack of resources and training.
Part of CLSI's misson—to develop clinical and laboratory practices and promote their use worldwide—includes improving how laboratories collect blood. CLSI's document GP41 provides information for health care workers on the safe collection of blood. And CLSI's document GP48 is a great resource for those looking to improve their phlebotomy training programs and courses.
The World Health Organization has more information, as well as campaign logos, posters, and a video on their World Blood Donor Day page. The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2018 events is Greece, through the Hellenic National Blood Centre. The global event will be held in Athens on June 14, 2018.