World Standards Week

World Standards Week (WSW) will be celebrated November 4-8, 2019, in Washington, DC. A yearly gathering, in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) members and diverse private- and public-sector stakeholders from across the standards and conformity assessment communities will convene for topical discussions and special events. This year’s schedule includes meetings and events designed to inspire open dialogue about standardization, conformity assessment, and workforce development priorities. In addition to ANSI member forum and policy committee meetings, the week’s highlights include:
- Conference: Building an Effective Workforce for the Future
- ANSI Legal Issues Forum: Hazy Days: Making Sense of Regulation and Standardization for the Cannabis Industry
- Annual ANSI Awards Banquet
- ANSI-NIST University Grant Awardee Symposium
- Retailers Roundtable
- Member Orientation Breakfast
Many diverse industries rely on published standards to ensure that their products are safe for their customers. Some examples include construction, manufacturing, and health care. When members of a particular industry are all following the same set of best practices found in industry standards, the likelihood of an error that leads to a breach in safety is reduced.
Medical laboratorians use standards to ensure patient safety--using standards in the laboratory can help reduce the errors that lead to patient harm. CLSI offers 200+ standards and guidelines, as well as educational products that can help your lab ensure customer satisfaction, improve patient care, and pass or maintain accreditation. Learn more and shop our standards here.