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CLSI Publishes New and Updated Microbiology Documents


Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA—The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute has published four antifungal Microbiology documents.

Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts (M27-Ed4) describes a method for testing the susceptibility to antifungal agents of yeasts that cause invasive fungal infections, including Candida spp. and Cryptococcus neoformans. Selection and preparation of antifungal agents, implementation and interpretation of test procedures, and the purpose and implementation of QC procedures are discussed. A careful examination of the responsibilities of the manufacturer and the user in QC is also presented.

Performance Standards for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts (M60-Ed1) includes the minimal inhibitory concentration, zone diameter, and QC tables developed following the standards described in CLSI documents M27 and M44. The tabular information in this document is valid only when the methodology is followed as described in the current editions of CLSI documents M27 and M44. Any previously published tables should be replaced with these new tables.

Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Filamentous Fungi (M38-Ed3) describes a method for testing the susceptibility to antifungal agents of filamentous fungi (nondermatophyte and dermatophyte moulds) that cause invasive and/or cutaneous fungal infections. Antifungal agent selection, preparation of antifungal stock solutions and dilutions for testing, test procedure implementation and interpretation, and the purpose and implementation of QC procedures are discussed. A careful examination of manufacturer and user responsibilities in QC is also presented. In addition, a brief discussion regarding newly defined epidemiological cutoff values for certain Aspergillus spp. and species complexes are included.

Performance Standards for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Filamentous Fungi (M61-Ed1) provides information to use with the testing procedures in CLSI documents M38 and M51. The tabular information in this document includes the most current information for antifungal agent selection, results interpretation, and QC, and is valid only when the methodology is followed as described in the current editions of CLSI documents M381 and M51.2 Any previously published tables should be replaced with these new tables.

For more information about M27, M60, M38, and M61, contact Patrick McGinn at pmcginn@clsi.org or +1.484.588.5933.

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