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CLSI Publishes Two New Veterinary Medicine Documents—VET03 and VET04


Wayne, Pennsylvania, USAThe Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute has published VET03, Methods for Antimicrobial Broth Dilution and Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Isolated From Aquatic Animals, 2nd Edition and its supplement, VET04, Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Isolated From Aquatic Animals, 3rd Edition.

The VET03 guideline describes broth dilution and disk diffusion, and it includes a series of procedures to standardize the way the tests are performed on different groups of aquatic bacteria. The supplemental VET04 tables used with this guideline represent the most current information for antimicrobial agent selection, interpretation, and QC using the procedures described in VET03.

Chairholder of VET03 and VET04, Brian V. Lubbers, DVM, PhD, DACVCP, said,

“CLSI documents VET03 and VET04 outline the standards for performing and interpreting antimicrobial susceptibility testing for clinically-significant aquaculture pathogens.  These documents have been updated and reorganized with the end-user in mind, with input from global experts in aquatic medicine. CLSI VET03 and VET04 are must-have documents for any laboratory supporting clinical diagnostics or antimicrobial resistance surveillance efforts in aquaculture.”

For more information about VET03 and VET04, contact Patrick McGinn at pmcginn@clsi.org or +1.484.588.5933.    


CLSI sets the standard for quality in medical laboratory testing. A not-for-profit membership organization, CLSI brings together the global laboratory community for the advancement of a common cause: to foster excellence in laboratory medicine.    

For nearly 50 years, our members, volunteers, and customers have made CLSI a respected, transformative leader in the development and implementation of medical laboratory testing standards. Through our unified efforts, we will continue to set and uphold the standards that drive quality test results, enhance patient care delivery, and improve health care around the world.    

By using CLSI standards, laboratorians can improve process quality, speed the development of standard operating procedures, and implement safer practices with greater ease and efficiency.


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