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Education Policies

CLSI Education Courses and Webinars Policies

  • Courses are guaranteed to be available for 3 years from the date of initial launch, or until the specific end date listed in the course description.
  • Webinars are guaranteed to be available for at least 1 year from the date of the live webinar, or for as long as the related CLSI document is current and active.
  • Courses may be updated when necessary to prevent dissemination of outdated information.
  • Courses or webinars may be cancelled at any time if the content is deemed out-of-date, incorrect, or irrelevant.
  • Cancellations and refunds are not available for courses or webinars, with the exception of courses or webinars cancelled by CLSI.
  • P.A.C.E.®️ credits will be awarded for applicable courses and webinars upon completion of program and evaluation. Recorded events are only eligible for PACE credits for 12 months following the original date of recording. Older events may remain accessible free of charge.