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CLSI Case Studies

Have you implemented a CLSI standard in your laboratory or company? We’d like to hear about your experience!

To submit a case study, please fill out the online form below or download the fillable PDF form and e-mail the completed version to marketing@clsi.org.

Clinical laboratories were always portrayed as a failing system in AMR surveillance because of lack of confidence in AST results and that has changed because of implementing quality standards and AST interpretation according to CLSI standards.
-Technical Team Lead & University Professor, Egypt

Share Your CLSI Case Study Below

Details of the Case

Please use as much space as needed to fully describe the case. Please include descriptions of the following areas:

Describe the need and/or the current problem
Describe the goals of implementing the CLSI standard
Describe the implementation of the standard and any associated study
Describe any improvements that came about as a result of the standard. What did the use of the CLSI standard ultimately achieve?
I hereby grant permission for CLSI to publish and share my case study in any media format.

By typing my name below, I have agreed that the content above is true and accurate.