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Past Excellence Award Recipients of Discontinued Awards

CLSI thanks these committed volunteers for their valued contributions. The awards below have been discontinued.

Excellence in Consensus Management (Merged with Excellence in Standards Management in 2021)

2020—Standards Awareness Leadership Team:

Pamela Allweiss, MD, MPH
J. Rex Astles, PhD, DABCC, FAACC
Lisa Kalman, PhD
Ira M. Lubin, PhD, FACMG
Peggy A. Mann, MS, MT(ASCP)
Ross J. Molinaro, PhD, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, DABCC, FACB
James R. Petisce, PhD
Jessica Reinhardt, MLS, M(ASCP)CM
Lou Ann Wyer, MS, MT(ASCP), CQA(ASQ)

2019—Marina V. Kondratovich, PhD
2019—Stephen G. Jenkins, PhD, D(ABMM), F(AAM)
—Mark Papich, MS, DVM
—Barbara D. Alexander, MD, MHS
—Anne-Marie Martel, MT
—J. Rex Astles, PhD, FACB, DABCC
2015—Marlies Ledford-Kraemer, MBA, BS, MT(ASCP)SH
2014—Jeffrey Budd, PhD
2014—Robert McEnroe, PhD
2013—James F. Pierson-Perry
2012—James Nichols, PhD, DABCC, FACB
2011—Carl Mottram, BA, RRT, RPFT, FAARC
2010—Hubert Vesper, PhD
2009—Christopher Lehman, MD
2007—Greg Miller, PhD

Excellence in Mentoring in Standards Development (Award Category Discontinued in 2015)

2013—Sharon K. Cullen, BS, RAC
—David G. Grenache, PhD, DABCC, FACB
2012—No nominees

Excellence in Global Leadership in Standards Development (Award Category Discontinued in 2015)

2015—Thomas R. Shryock, PhD
2015—Dianne R. Webster, PhD, FHGSA
—Don M. Powers, PhD
2012—Anders Kallner, MD, PhD
2012—Greg Miller, PhD

Excellence in Leadership in Global Health Partnerships (Award Category Discontinued in 2015)

2014—Pauline Cyr, RT(CSMLS), MPA
2014—Adi Nkwonta, MS, MT(ASCP)
2013—Wilson Mtotela, MLS, MBA
2013—Raymond Nyakuwocha, MLS, MSc
2012—Gaman Modi
2012—Wendy Kitson-Piggot

Excellence in Global Leadership (Award Category Discontinued in 2012)

2011—Barbara Unger
2011—Yashwant Chudasama, MS, FIBMS, SM(AAM)
2010—Anne Rendell, MLT, BSc
2010—Donna Watsky, MS, MT (ASCP) SM
2009—Sheila Woodcock, ART, MBA, FCSMLS(D)
2008—Gary Myers, PhD
2007—Mary Burritt, PhD
2006—Klaus Stinshoff

Excellence in Mentoring (Award Category Discontinued in 2012)

2011—Tania Motschman, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB, CQA(ASQ)
2010—Fredrick Nolte, PhD, D(ABMM), F(AAM)
2009—Roberta Madej, CLS, MS, MBA
2008—Susan Blonshine, RRT, RPFT, FAARC
2007—Bruce Davis, MD, FCAP

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