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CLSI Membership for Industry & Large Commercial Laboratories

For companies in the diagnostics and pharmaceutical fields, the time and cost involved in overcoming regulatory hurdles can greatly delay or even end the chance to get important innovations into practice. Through CLSI membership, your industry organization or large commercial laboratory has the opportunity to collaborate with regulators, peers, and customers on developing and implementing standards that are widely recognized to facilitate regulatory review for IVD devices, tests, and other diagnostic products.

Interested in sharing more about CLSI membership with others are your organization?

CLSI Industry Presentation     CLSI Industry Membership Brochure

     Learn More About eCLIPSE Ultimate Access

* Membership discounts do not apply to bulk orders. Please contact customerservice@clsi.org for customized bulk order pricing.

All Plans Include

Standards Development Opportunities

  • Propose new projects that are needed by your organization and the global laboratory community.
  • Volunteer or nominate candidates to help develop our consensus-based standards.
  • Vote on documents to ensure they meet the needs of the laboratory community.
  • Serve as voting member in governance officer elections and CLSI bylaws.

Members-only Access

  • Access and be listed in our searchable online member directory.
    Ensure your company is listed among the top labs.
  • Use our online member resource center.
    Includes accreditation resources to help you meet requirements and more.
  • Receive our monthly Membership E-newsletter.
    Get updates about new publications, volunteer and voting opportunities, and other members-only events.

Membership Levels


Bronze Level III|Starter access for one site in your organization

Access to CLSI’s full library of documents for one user.

50% discount on products and programs, such as additional resources and training programs.

Log in/sign up to join

Silver Level II|High-level access for one site in your organization

Access to eCLIPSE, CLSI’s online library of documents, for two concurrent users at one location.

60% discount on products and programs, such as additional resources and training programs.

Log in/sign up to join

Gold Level I|Premium level access for all sites in your organization

Access to eCLIPSE, CLSI's online library of documents, for all of your employees.

70% discount on products and programs, such as additional resources and training programs.

Benefits extend to all sites.

Log in/sign up to join