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Get Involved: Consensus Council

What is CLSI's Consensus Council?

The Consensus Council serves as the consensus body for CLSI. It sets priorities for and manages CLSI standards development and identifies continual improvement opportunities for standards development-related processes. The Consensus Council also votes on Final Draft documents to confirm adherence to process requirements.

What positions are available?

What are my duties as a member of the Consensus Council?

Consensus Council members should have general knowledge of CLSI and the clinical laboratory field and be willing to learn the CLSI Standards Development Policies and Processes, to review and judge materials submitted by peers, and make decisions in alignment with Board-directed goals and objectives. Consensus Council members are expected to actively participate in Consensus Council activities, conference calls, and meetings.

How often does the committee meet?

Quarterly Committees Weeks provide opportunities for volunteers to meet and conduct CLSI business face-to-face. Typically, the Consensus Council meets each Committees Week, and periodically via Web conference. There is no attendance fee for Committees Week meetings, but registration is required.

Meeting dates and locations through the next two years can be found at clsi.org/meetings.

I’m interested! What are my next steps?

Complete your Volunteer Profile to be notified directly of future volunteer opportunities.

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Who is currently on CLSI's Consensus Council?

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Consensus Council

  • Deirdre Astin, MS / Member / New York State Department of Health, United States
  • Victor R. De Jesus, PhD / Member / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States
  • Jamie Phillips Deeter, PhD, MS / Roche Diagnostics, United States
  • Kristen Meier, PhD / Member, United States
  • Tania Motschman, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB / Chairholder, United States
  • Paulo Pereira, PhD / Member / Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation, Portugal
  • Victoria Petrides, MS / Vice-Chairholder / Abbott Laboratories, United States
  • Ribhi M. Shawar, PhD, D(ABMM), F(AAM) / Member / FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health, United States
  • Matthew A. Wikler, MD, FIDSA, MBA / Emeritus Member / IDTD Consulting, United States
  • Barbara Zehnbauer, PhD / Member / Emory University Hospital, United States