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Get Involved: Join a CLSI Document Development Committee

What is a Document Development Committee?

Comprised of a balanced representation from government, industry, and the health care professions, a CLSI document development committee is a group of technical experts who work together to develop a CLSI document.

What positions are available and what do they entail?

Titles, experience levels and requirements, and duties are provided below for each document development committee position. CLSI invites volunteers from varied backgrounds and different levels of experience to participate in different roles.

* Position has voting rights on the committee.

How often does the committee meet?

Document development committee volunteers meet via conference call several times throughout the project. Quarterly Committees Weeks provide opportunities for volunteers to meet and conduct CLSI business face-to-face. However, a document development committee typically only meets in person once. There is no attendance fee for meetings, but registration is required. Your CLSI project manager will notify you of the planned and expected meetings at the start of the project, and will provide announcements, agendas, and other pertinent materials before each meeting.

Meeting dates and locations through the next two years can be found at clsi.org/meetings.

What can I expect as a committee volunteer?

Committee volunteers meet regularly—in person and via conference call—throughout the development process to review the draft document, discuss and resolve issues related to the document's content, and to ensure the committee is on schedule with respect to the document development timeline.

Once the draft is finalized by the committee, it is circulated for Proposed Draft review and vote by the committee, the responsible expert panel, and the CLSI member delegates. After the vote, the committee reviews and responds to all comments received. The Final Draft document is then prepared and submitted to the Consensus Council for review and approval. Once approved, the document is prepared for publication.

On average, it takes 24 months to complete a CLSI document. As a committee volunteer, you are asked to commit to participating for the duration of the project.

How can I become a volunteer?

Volunteer positions are regularly listed on CLSI’s website. Simply create a volunteer profile online and submit an application. Once your application for a specific project is received, your nomination will be considered. Your position on the committee will be determined by the Consensus Council based on your eligibility.

I’m interested! What are my next steps?

View our current list of document development committee openings and apply directly to them.

Apply Here

Not interested in our current openings? Complete your Volunteer Profile to be notified directly of future volunteer opportunities in your area of interest.