CLSI Overview of Risk Management for the Laboratory
Overview of Risk Management for the Laboratory
This online course allows participants to understand the general concepts of risk assessment and performing a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The course includes information from relevant ISO and CLSI standards to provide a basic understanding of risk analysis. This course is intended for laboratory personnel who have not performed a formal risk analysis before and is relevant for audiences anywhere in the world. It does not address US CLIA requirements for IQCP; please see CLSI course EP23/IQCP for that information.
Upon completion of this training workshop, participants will be able to:
- Create a plan for the risk assessment
- Identify risks and potential hazards in laboratory processes
- Analyze the likelihood and severity of the identified risks
- Determine the priorities for risk mitigation and control
- Implement actions for risk control
- Monitor the risk management program over time
Intended Audience: Laboratory Administration, Quality Managers and Officers, Laboratory Managers, Laboratory Technical Staff
Earn 1.0 PACE® CE Credit.
Registration and access to this online course is by user through your CLSI account. Please e-mail customer service at customerservice@clsi.org for bulk quote requests for your organization.
Member price:
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CLSI Overview of Risk Management for the Laboratory Additional Details
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