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Planning for Laboratory Operations During a Disaster, 1st Edition

This document provides guidance for laboratory and health care leadership for development, implementation, and sustainment of effective emergency preparedness plans (all hazards) supporting nonanalytical components of clinical and public health laboratory services that may pertain to various natural and manmade disasters. 

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This reaffirmed document has been reviewed and confirmed as suitable to remain published without revision to content, as of September 2019. The document’s next scheduled review is generally five years after the reaffirmation date.

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Chairholder: Thomas L. Williams, MD, FACB, FASCP, FCAP

Date of Publication: December 15, 2014

Order Code PDF: CLSI GP36AE
ISBN Number: 1-56238-982-3

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 160

CLSI GP36 Additional Details

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CLSI GP36 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document GP36-A—Planning for Laboratory Operations During a Disaster; Approved Guideline provides guidance for clinical laboratory leadership to develop, implement, and sustain an effective emergency preparedness plan (all hazards) to minimize the effects of, respond to, and recover from likely natural and manmade disasters that may affect laboratory operational functions.