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Procedures for the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Test, 5th Edition

This document provides a description of the principle, materials, and procedure for a standardized erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) method; a selected routine method, as well as a procedure to evaluate routine methods; and an outline of quality control programs for the ESR test.

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Chairholder: Dorothy M. Adcock, MD

Date of Publication: May 31, 2011

Order Code PDF: CLSI H02A5E
ISBN Number: 1-56238-753-7

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: Fifth

Pages: 36

CLSI H02 Additional Details

If interested in ordering larger quantities of this document in print, please contact us here.

This archived document is no longer being reviewed through the CLSI Consensus Document Development Process. However, this document is technically valid as of September 2016. Because of its value to the laboratory community, it is being retained in CLSI’s library.

CLSI H02 Abstract

This document addresses the methodology and devices for the measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) phenomenon. It also provides guidance for validation, verification, quality assurance (QA), and quality control (QC) through standardized approaches to ensure good laboratory science and clinical relevance. The intended audience includes manufacturers of such devices, end-user clinical laboratories, accrediting organizations, and regulatory bodies. End-user clinical laboratories will also find guidance for establishment of working methods for ESR test validation and for QA of their ESR testing method(s).