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Quantitative D-dimer for the Exclusion of Venous Thromboembolic Disease, 1st Edition

This document provides guidelines regarding the use of D-dimer in exclusion of venous thromboembolism (VTE) including a description of the value of clinical determination of the pretest probability of VTE; the proper collection and handling of the specimen; assays used for D-dimer analysis; determination of the threshold for exclusion of VTE; interpretation of test results; and aspects of regulatory and accreditation requirements. 

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Chairholder: John D. Olson, MD, PhD

Date of Publication: March 31, 2011

Order Code PDF: CLSI H59AE
ISBN Number: 1-56238-747-2

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 44

CLSI H59 Additional Details

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has evaluated and recognized this approved-level consensus standard for use in satisfying a regulatory requirement.

CLSI H59 Abstract

D-dimer is a product of fibrinolysis that is assayed in the blood. It is elevated following intravascular thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and other conditions that can cause fibrin generation. Assay of D-dimer is a useful tool when evaluating patients with possible venous thromboembolism (VTE), as the absence of D-dimer is helpful in excluding VTE. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document H59-A—Quantitative D-dimer for the Exclusion of Venous Thromboembolic Disease; Approved Guideline provides guidance regarding the use of D-dimer in exclusion of VTE including a description of the value of clinical determination of the pretest probability of VTE; the proper collection and handling of the specimen; assays used for D-dimer analysis; determination of the threshold for exclusion of VTE; interpretation of test results; and aspects of regulatory and accreditation requirements. The guideline is provided for use by laboratorians, manufacturers of D-dimer assays, clinicians who use the D-dimer for VTE exclusion, and accrediting and regulatory agencies.