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Verification of Comparability of Patient Results Within One Health Care System, Interim Revision

This document provides guidance on how to verify comparability of quantitative laboratory results for individual patients within a health care system.

This document is available in electronic format only.

This reaffirmed document has been reviewed and confirmed as suitable to remain published without revision to content, as of January 2017. The document’s next scheduled review is generally five years after the reaffirmation date.

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Chairholder: Christopher M. Lehman, MD

Date of Publication: August 22, 2012

ISBN Number: 1-56238-851-7

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: Int. Rev.

Pages: 84

CLSI EP31 Additional Details

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This document is included in the CLSI document code change and rebranding that is currently in process. The code will be changed from C54-A-IR to EP31. Please make sure that the document title corresponds to the publication that you intend order.

CLSI EP31 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document EP31-A-IR—Verification of Comparability of Patient Results Within One Health Care System; Approved Guideline (Interim Revision) provides guidance on how to verify comparability of quantitative laboratory results for individual patients across a health care system. For the purpose of this document, a health care system is defined as a system of physician offices, clinics, hospitals, and reference laboratories, under one administrative entity, where a patient may present for laboratory testing, and whose results may be reviewed by any health care provider within the system for the purpose of providing medical care. This document does not provide guidance on how to correct method noncomparability that may be identified.