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Harmonization of Symbology and Equations, 1st Edition

This report provides a standardized symbology for use throughout CLSI documents. Use of these standardized symbols is expected to be of great benefit to the CLSI readership, volunteers participating in CLSI committees, and the scientific community in general.

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Chairholder: Robert Magari, PhD

Date of Publication: June 18, 2015

Order Code PDF: CLSI EP36Ed1E
ISBN Number: 1-56238-906-8

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 32

CLSI EP36 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document EP36—Harmonization of Symbology and Equations provides readers with a list of the most common statistical symbols and formulas to describe testing procedures and statistical analyses. The purpose is to provide a standardized symbology for use in CLSI documents that will benefit the CLSI readership as well as the volunteers participating on CLSI committees. Symbols are based on International Organization for Standardization guidelines and the most recent CLSI documents. They are grouped in different categories related to performance evaluation testing. CLSI document development committees and working groups are expected to adhere to these symbols unless there are strong arguments for deviating from these recommendations.