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Protection of Laboratory Workers From Occupationally Acquired Infections, 4th Edition

Based on US regulations, this document provides guidance on the risk of transmission of infectious agents by aerosols, droplets, blood, and body substances in a laboratory setting; specific precautions for preventing the laboratory transmission of microbial infection from laboratory instruments and materials; and recommendations for the management of exposure to infectious agents. 

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Chairholder: Donald R. Callihan, PhD, D(ABMM)

Date of Publication: May 29, 2014

Order Code PDF: CLSI M29A4E
ISBN Number: 1-56238-962-9

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: Fourth

Pages: 133

CLSI M29 Additional Details

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CLSI M29 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document M29-A4—Protection of Laboratory Workers From Occupationally Acquired Infections; Approved Guideline—Fourth Edition is intended to be a practical tool to aid in the development of an effective biosafety program for laboratory workers. It promotes best laboratory practices to protect workers from exposure to infectious diseases encountered in the clinical laboratory and to minimize the potential transfer of infectious organisms outside of the laboratory. These practices include but are not limited to use of standard precautions, good laboratory practices (eg, disinfection of contaminated work surfaces), safety devices, personal protective equipment, and appropriate decontamination and disposal of biological hazards. It emphasizes that specific policies and procedures, along with appropriate training of personnel on consistent application of laboratory precautions during the performance of work tasks, are essential administrative controls for the prevention of laboratory-acquired infections. Information is provided on safe transport of infectious substances, laboratory equipment hazards, occupational health and incident response, planning for public health emergencies, and best practices for biosafety training and competency assessment. Guidelines for the development of an effective biological risk assessment are also provided.