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Diagnostic Nucleic Acid Microarrays, 1st Edition

This guideline provides recommendations for many aspects of the array process including: a method overview; nucleic acid extraction; the preparation, handling, and assessment of genetic material; quality control; analytic validation; and interpretation and reporting of results.

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Chairholder: Joseph L. Hackett, PhD

Date of Publication: May 30, 2006

Order Code PDF: CLSI MM12AE
ISBN Number: 1-56238-608-5

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 124

CLSI MM12 Additional Details

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A CLSI-IFCC joint project.

This document was formerly sold under the code M51.

This archived document is no longer being reviewed through the CLSI Consensus Document Development Process. However, this document is technically valid as of January 2017. Because of its value to the laboratory community, it is being retained in CLSI’s library.

CLSI MM12 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document MM12-A, Diagnostic Nucleic Acid Microarrays; Approved Guideline provides general recommendations for the operation of diagnostic nucleic acid microarrays. The recommendations cover nucleic acid extraction; preparation, handling, and assessment of genetic material; and interpretation and reporting of results. The guideline addresses array-based detection of variations in DNA sequence and gene expression analysis as it relates to: heritable variations, somatic changes, methylation profiling, pathogen profiling including antibiotic resistance analysis, expression profiling, and gene dosage/comparative genomic hybridization.