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Genomic Copy Number Microarrays for Constitutional Genetic and Oncology Applications, 1st Edition

This guideline provides recommendations for validation, verification, performance, and interpretation of nucleic acid microarrays used for cytogenetic applications to measure copy number imbalances and loss of heterozygosity. Both constitutional and oncology applications are addressed. 

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Chairholder: Hutton M. Kearney, PhD, FACMG and Shashikant Kulkarni, MS, PhD, FACMG

Date of Publication: August 28, 2015

Order Code PDF: CLSI MM21Ed1E
ISBN Number: 1-56238-916-5

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 50

CLSI MM21 Additional Details

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CLSI MM21 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document MM21—Genomic Copy Number Microarrays for Constitutional Genetic and Oncology Applications discusses nucleic acid microarray technologies for diagnostic testing that a growing number of medical laboratories have adopted. The different types of microarrays and their uses in various types of laboratories have grown tremendously. MM21 specifically addresses validation, verification, performance, and interpretation of nucleic acid microarrays used for cytogenetic applications to measure copy number imbalances and loss of heterozygosity. Both constitutional and oncology applications are discussed.