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Molecular Diagnostic Methods for Solid Tumors (Nonhematological Neoplasms), 1st Edition

This guideline covers the current state of molecular diagnostic techniques intended for the characterization of solid tumors, and covers a range of clinical applications including diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic response prediction for available drugs and those still in clinical trials, as well as monitoring and presymptomatic and predisposition testing. 

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Chairholder: Emily S. Winn-Deen, PhD and Barbara Zehnbauer, PhD, FACMG, FACB

Date of Publication: April 28, 2015

Order Code PDF: CLSI MM23Ed1E
ISBN Number: 1-56238-900-9

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 132

CLSI MM23 Additional Details

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CLSI MM23 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document MM23—Molecular Diagnostic Methods for Solid Tumors (Nonhematological Neoplasms) describes development and implementation of nucleic acid biomarker assays for accurate detection of somatic and germline alterations with applications to clinical decision making for cancer patients with solid tumors. It is intended for molecular diagnostic laboratory directors, industry laboratory professionals, and health care professionals, including anatomic and clinical pathologists. With the exception of cancer predisposition syndromes, the methods and recommendations discussed in this document focus primarily on detection of tumor-specific genetic abnormalities that are acquired during tumorigenesis and are distinct from normal variations in nonmalignant cells of the same tissue.