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Performance Standards for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts, 3rd Edition

This document includes updated minimal inhibitory concentration, zone diameter, and quality control tables for the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute antifungal susceptibility testing documents M27 and M44. 

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Chairholder: Gary W. Procop, MD, MS

Date of Publication: August 3, 2022

Order Code PDF: CLSI M27M44SEd3E
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-163-5

Order Code Print: CLSI M27M44SEd3
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-162-8

Edition: Third

Pages: 40

CLSI M27M44S Additional Details

This document was formerly sold under the code M60Ed2.

CLSI M27M44S Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document M27M44S—Performance Standards for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts includes minimal inhibitory concentration, zone diameter, and quality control tables developed following the guidance in CLSI documents M27(1) and M44.(2) The data in the tables are valid only when the methodologies in CLSI documents M27(1) and M44(2) are followed. Users should replace previously published tables with these new tables. Changes in the tables since the previous edition was published appear in boldface type.