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Microarrays for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases, 2nd Edition

This guideline provides recommendations for the laboratory development and use of qualitative nucleic acid microarray methods for the diagnosis and monitoring of infectious diseases. It also presents recommendations for validation and verification, quality control, and interpretation of results.

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Chairholder: Yi-Wei Tang, MD, PhD

Date of Publication: January 19, 2024

Order Code PDF: CLSI MM22Ed2E
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-207-6

Order Code Print: CLSI MM22Ed2
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-206-9

Edition: Second

Pages: 128

CLSI MM22 Additional Details

A guideline for global application developed through the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process.

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CLSI MM22 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guideline MM22—Microarrays for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases discusses the wide variety of nucleic acid microarray technologies that a growing number of medical laboratories have adopted for diagnostic testing. The different types of microarrays and their uses in various types of laboratories have grown tremendously. MM22 specifically discusses infectious diseases detection, identification, and genotyping, as well as drug resistance determinants. This guideline describes types of microarray platforms and general considerations in microarray development. It also provides recommendations for validation and verification of microarray performance and QC and QA considerations and discusses parameters for data analysis and interpretation.