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Quality Management: Approaches to Reducing Errors at the Point of Care, 1st Edition

This document presents the core infrastructure for a standardized error tracking system with the primary goals of reducing risk and increasing quality of point-of-care testing, while accumulating standardized data for benchmarking use. 

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Chairholder: Lou Ann Wyer, MS, MT(ASCP)

Date of Publication: October 7, 2010

ISBN Number: 1-56238-734-0

Order Code Print: print not available

Edition: First

Pages: 68

CLSI POCT07 Additional Details

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CLSI POCT07 Abstract

This document presents the core infrastructure for a risk management and standardized error tracking system for reducing risk at the point of care, as well as for benchmarking purposes. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document POCT07-A—Quality Management: Approaches to Reducing Errors at the Point of Care; Approved Guideline proposes a set of indicators for each analytical process for incorporation into a point-of-care quality program. It also presents the user with predefined common causes of error and respective error prevention mechanisms for a more standardized reporting mechanism. POCT07-A encourages institutions to define their own additional indicators based on industry risk management procedures presented in this document. An error tracking system can also offer possibilities for benchmarking and improvement of point-of-care processes.