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Point-of-Care Testing for Infectious Diseases, 1st Edition

This report summarizes current knowledge of rapid and point-of-care testing practices used worldwide for infectious diseases.

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Chairholder: Sheldon M. Campbell, MD, PhD, FCAP

Date of Publication: January 21, 2020

Order Code PDF: CLSI POCT15Ed1E
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-069-0

Order Code Print: CLSI POCT15Ed1
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-068-3

Edition: First

Pages: 84

CLSI POCT15 Additional Details

A CLSI report for global application.

CLSI POCT15 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute report POCT15—Point-of-Care Testing for Infectious Diseases is intended for use in assessing, implementing, and managing programs for the detection, control, and/or management of infectious diseases using point-of-care testing (POCT) methodologies. Clinicians rely heavily on laboratory tests for the etiological diagnosis of infectious diseases, which guides both prognostication and management. The clinical importance of these results means that testing must be performed in an optimal manner, and the results must be interpreted with clear knowledge of the methodologies’ abilities and limitations. This report summarizes current methods and practice in POCT for infectious diseases.