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Methods for Antimicrobial Broth Dilution and Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Isolated From Aquatic Animals, 2nd Edition

This guideline provides the most up-to-date techniques for the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations and zones of inhibition of aquatic bacteria and criteria for data interpretation and quality control testing.

Supplemental tables for VET03 are published in CLSI document VET04.

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Chairholder: Brian V. Lubbers, DVM, PhD, DACVCP

Date of Publication: May 20, 2020

Order Code PDF: CLSI VET03Ed2E
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-074-4

Order Code Print: CLSI VET03Ed2
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-073-7

Edition: Second

Pages: 122

CLSI VET03 Additional Details

A guideline for global application developed through the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process.