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CLSI VET03 Supplement (VET04)

Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Isolated From Aquatic Animals, 3rd Edition

This document includes updated tables for the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute veterinary antimicrobial susceptibility testing guideline VET03.

The tables in VET04 are intended for use with CLSI document VET03.

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Chairholder: Brian V. Lubbers, DVM, PhD, DACVCP

Date of Publication: May 20, 2020

Order Code PDF: CLSI VET04Ed3E
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-076-8

Order Code Print: CLSI VET04Ed3
ISBN Number: 978-1-68440-075-1

Edition: Third

Pages: 88

CLSI VET03 Supplement (VET04) Additional Details

A guideline for global application developed through the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process.

CLSI VET03 Supplement (VET04) Abstract

The data in the tables are valid only if the methodologies in CLSI document VET03 are followed. This guideline contains information about disk and broth dilution susceptibility test procedures for bacteria isolated from aquatic animals. The clinical importance of antimicrobial susceptibility test results demands that these tests be performed under optimal conditions and that laboratories have the capability to interpret results based on the most current clinical breakpoint or epidemiological cutoff value interpretive categories. The tables presented in VET04 represent the most current information for drug selection, interpretation quality control using the procedures standardized in VET03. Users should replace previously published tables with these new tables. Changes in the tables since the previous editions appear in boldface type. Users should consider the interpretive categories presented in these tables most useful to isolates of Aeromonas salmonicida, Aeromonas hydrophila, Flavobacterium columnare, and Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Careful extrapolations may be possible to other bacterial species and with other similar antimicrobial agents, but only after consulting CLSI document VET09. Fish disease diagnostic laboratories that typically conduct susceptibility testing less often than once per week should consult this document for revised guidance for frequency of QC.