CLSI Blog Articles
Read the latest articles about CLSI and laboratory standards in the official CLSI Blog. Browse our most recent blog articles below.
CEO Glen Fine's Farewell Message
As I depart CLSI and enter the new phase of retired life, I would like to take a moment to reflect and give my thanks to all who have made my 17 years as your CEO the most rewarding and deepest honor of my life.
Read MoreImplementation of the CLSI Method for Direct Disk Diffusion Testing From Positive Blood Cultures
The CLSI AST Subcommittee has developed and published breakpoints for direct blood culture disk diffusion (DD) testing of several antimicrobial agents for Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This project was undertaken to provide antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) results earlier than traditional AST methods. Rapidity of susceptibility testing and reporting is particularly important for bloodstream infections. Studies have shown that mortality from sepsis increases every hour that the time to first appropriate antimicrobial is delayed. CLSI developed this method to provide laboratories with a direct-from-blood culture testing approach which is both simple to perform and inexpensive.
Read MoreDr. Harry Hannon’s Passing
We are deeply saddened to announce the death of long-time CLSI volunteer William Harry Hannon, PhD. For most of his long career, Dr. Hannon was known for his leadership in developing and supporting public health laboratory newborn screening using dried blood spots, preventing infant death, and enhancing the lives of children and families both here in the US and around the globe.
Read MoreExplore CLSI’s New Implementation Guides
Created to help your lab staff properly implement the procedures in our Evaluation Protocol (EP) standards, CLSI’s new implementation guides can help your laboratory verify test precision, accuracy, and other important performance characteristics. The guides are intended to be used by the laboratory scientists who perform verification testing. They describe the procedures necessary for a medical laboratory to verify a manufacturer’s or a laboratory-developed test’s performance claims.
Read MoreInterview With CLSI Volunteer, Paula Ladwig, MS, MT(ASCP)
We spoke with long-time CLSI volunteer Paula Ladwig, MS, MT(ASCP) about her experience volunteering with CLSI.
Read MoreProvide Accurate AST Results With the Newest Edition of M100
The 32nd Edition of M100—Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing will be publishing soon, and is available for preorder now. M100 reports the antibiotic breakpoints that help medical laboratorians throughout the world provide accurate test results to health care providers. These breakpoints aid laboratorians in selecting the most appropriate and effective antimicrobial treatments for patients. The 32nd edition of M100 is available alone or in several package options with its companions, M02 and M07. M100 is also available in a convenient electronic subscription format, M100 Plus.
Read MoreWorld AIDS Day 2021
World AIDS Day is acknowledged every year on the first of December to raise awareness, show support for people living with HIV, and unite in the fight against HIV.
Read MoreWorld Antimicrobial Awareness Week
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is celebrated from November 18-24 every year. The 2021 theme, “Spread Awareness, Stop Resistance,” calls on One Health stakeholders, policymakers, health care providers, and the general public to be antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Awareness champions. A media toolkit is available for those who wish to participate.
Read MoreResolving and Preventing Laboratory Deficiencies
CLSI volunteer Luci Berte recently presented information about the 10 Most Common Laboratory Deficiencies: Tools to Resolve and Prevent Them on the ASCLS podcast “Off the Bench.” 1 P.A.C.E.® education credit is available by participating in the self-study module associated with this episode of the podcast, and is free for ASCLS members.
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