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CLSI Blog Articles

Read the latest articles about CLSI and laboratory standards in the official CLSI Blog. Browse our most recent blog articles below.

Detection and Culture of Fungi in Clinical Specimens

There has been an enormous increase in the frequency and severity of fungal infections in recent years. Culture from a clinical sample is the gold standard for diagnosis of fungal infection as it has the advantage of yielding the specific etiological agent if positive. Moreover, culture allows for susceptibility testing.There has been an enormous increase in the frequency and severity of fungal infections in recent years. Culture from a clinical sample is the gold standard for diagnosis of fungal infection as it has the advantage of yielding the specific etiological agent if positive. Moreover, culture allows for susceptibility testing.

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How Using CLSI’s M100 Helps the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

In March of this year CLSI will publish the 31st Edition of M100. M100 contains the antibiotic breakpoints that help medical laboratorians throughout the world provide accurate test results to health care providers. These breakpoints aid laboratorians in selecting the most appropriate and effective antimicrobial treatments for patients.

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A Holiday Thank You From CLSI

We are proud that, with your dedicated support, CLSI has been able to continue developing clinical and laboratory practices and promoting their use worldwide. We truly could not have done it without your help. Also, importantly, we want thank you for your compassion, commitment, and courage in the fight against COVID-19.

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Linearity in Laboratory Testing

Linearity is the ability to provide laboratory test results that are directly proportional to the concentration of the measurand (quantity to be measured) in a test sample.

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Optimal Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Performance and Data Accuracy

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems are medical devices that measure glucose in the interstitial fluid just under the skin and use algorithms to predict blood glucose values from the measurement. The use of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) devices or glucose meters has led to more normal glucose levels and lower risk of cardiovascular and long-term complications in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

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Do You Know the Cost of Quality in Your Lab?

Most laboratories use methods such as QC, equipment calibration measurement, QA measurements of process performance, and more recently, implementation of a qualitymanagement system, to determine the quality of examination results and laboratory services. However, laboratory personnel often believe that staying within budget is sufficient, not considering that every time work is redone, the cost of laboratory services, as well as the cost of quality (COQ), increases.

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World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is celebrated November 18-24. This is a week to raise awareness about global antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and to encourage best practices among health care workers, the public, and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. The slogan for 2020 is "Antimicrobials: handle with care.” The theme for the human health sector for WAAW 2020 is “United to preserve antimicrobials.”

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World Standards Day

Each year on October 14 we celebrate World Standards Day, which is a day to pay tribute to the collaborative efforts of thousands of experts worldwide who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as international standards.

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