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CLSI Blog Articles

Read the latest articles about CLSI and laboratory standards in the official CLSI Blog. Browse our most recent blog articles below.

September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month

September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month. 2020’s theme is “Expect newborn screening.” Newborn screening is a state public health service that reaches each of the nearly 4 million babies born in the United States each year. It ensures that all babies are screened for certain serious conditions at birth and for those babies with those conditions, it allows doctors to start treatment before some of the harmful effects happen.

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World Patient Safety Day 2020

World Patient Safety Day is celebrated on September 17. This year WHO will launch a global campaign emphasizing health worker safety as a prerequisite for patient safety and urging people to show their commitment to make health care safer for everyone. Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety has been selected as the theme for this year. The 2020 theme will be promoted through the slogan “Safe health workers, Safe patients.”

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Learning About Veterinary AST From Lady Glittersparkles

Just as the CLSI subcommittee on AST develops standards that support the judicious use of antimicrobial agents in human medicine, the subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (VAST) develops standards for performing AST on bacteria isolated from animals and releases VET documents (listed in Table 1) that closely parallel the CLSI “M” series of AST documents.

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Selecting a Referral Laboratory

There are many factors to consider when a lab identifies the need for referral laboratory services, which can make the process seem overwhelming. Identifying appropriate qualification criteria and establishing a selection process are the foundational elements for choosing a referral laboratory.

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COVID-19 and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Pandemics

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, many lessons are being learned, not the least of which is how to better prepare for future pandemics. This includes addressing the ongoing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) pandemic, which at a global scale has the potential to eclipse COVID-19. It is estimated hundreds of thousands of patients die globally each year due to complications associated with AMR infections—some projections indicate this number will be 10 million by 2050.

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Looking Back at CLSI–Ghana PEPFAR Activities (2010-2015)

CLSI received President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funding for work in Ghana beginning in 2010. CLSI’s programming targeted building capacity of the laboratory leadership in Ghana, focusing on a systems approach to quality in laboratory medicine, supporting the development and implementation of appropriate policies for laboratory operations at all levels throughout the health care system.

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Overcoming Phlebotomy Challenges in Pediatric Patients

Children are some of the most difficult patients from whom to collect blood sample specimens. Ensuring safety and efficacy when performing blood draws on pediatric patients, while also accounting for their emotional and physical well-being is of utmost importance.

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Nucleic Acid Testing Validation and Verification

Nucleic acid testing is one of the fastest growing fields in laboratory medicine. First-generation nucleic acid tests concentrated on measuring the presence or quantity of a single target, often using a single internal control. Recently, the multiplex nucleic acid testing field has expanded greatly for both laboratory-developed and marketed tests.

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