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Collegial Meeting Practices

CLSI values the voices, opinions, and ideas of all meeting and event participants and is committed to providing an environment where our participants feel respected and safe. To assist us in doing that, we ask that all participants adhere to the following Collegial Meeting Practices.

  1. Follow the Roberts Rules of Order for formal meeting proceedings, and speak clearly into microphones.
  2. Demonstrate equal respect and consideration for all attendees, regardless of committee membership status.
  3. When attending virtually, use the “raise hand” feature to be recognized by the Chairholder.
  4. Avoid intentionally talking over or interrupting others.
  5. Be collaborative, invite others’ opinions, and ask questions.
  6. Avoid biased, demeaning, intimidating, or harassing comments or conduct.
  7. Listen actively and with curiosity for others’ viewpoints.
  8. Do not make video or audio recordings of the event or violate participants’ privacy through the copying or distribution of meeting transcripts.
CLSI reserves the right to suspend the participation of any party that engages in disruptive, harassing, or demeaning behavior.
These meetings will be conducted in accord with established CLSI standards development policies and processes to ensure that the lawful activities of CLSI can proceed freely without violation or the appearance of violation of antitrust laws. These procedures provide for open and wide advance notice of meetings, attendance by all interested parties (to the extent practical), careful adherence to the lawful agenda, and accurate recording of meeting results. CLSI staff are responsible for informing attendees of these procedures as appropriate, and for ensuring compliance.