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Your eCLIPSE Login and Password Has Changed

On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, logins for eCLIPSE Ultimate Access changed. We made some upgrades and launched a single sign-on for our website, eCLIPSE Ultimate Access, and our volunteer area. From October 17 on, you’ll only need to log in once and remember one password!

What you need to know:

  • Your username will be your e-mail address.
  • For users who have logged into the website to access My CLSI or CLSI Exchange: Your password for the CLSI website will remain the same, and you will now access eCLIPSE directly through the website. Your previous eCLIPSE password will no longer work.
  • For users who have only used eCLIPSE: Your previous eCLIPSE password will no longer work. Please set your new password when logging in for the first time by clicking “Forgot your password? Reset it here.”
  • Still having issues? E-mail us at customerservice@clsi.org or give us a call at +1.610.688.0100.