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Nominate a Colleague for a CLSI Excellence Award

Deadline: 30 September 2024, 11:59 PM Eastern (US) Time

Receiving a CLSI Excellence Award is one of the highest honors CLSI can bestow on its volunteers. There are three categories of Excellence Awards from which to choose. Please see the award descriptions here. Submitting an Excellence Award nomination is easy! Any individual may submit a nomination for a CLSI award; however, the nominee must be a CLSI member in good standing or must have been a member while the work was done. There is no limit to the number of nominations one may submit. Please post your official nomination below, remembering to include all required information by the deadline.

Award Nomination
Nominator Information
Nominee Information

Summary Statement

Please provide a summary of the nominee’s accomplishments in relation to the award for which the nominee is being considered, including: 1. A summary statement indicating why the nominee is being recommended for the award; 2. An explanation of specific contributions with examples that support the nominee’s recommendation; 3. Additional relevant contributions the nominee has made toward advancing CLSI’s mission. 4. One to three supporting letters from people familiar with the nominee’s contributions to CLSI are encouraged but not required.

Please Note:

Refer to the award descriptions to guide your detailed nomination, and do not hesitate to ask CLSI staff for assistance. To obtain an activity report on your prospective nominee, please contact Stephanie Robinson at srobinson@clsi.org.