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Robust Regression Techniques for Method Comparison Webinar

CLSI On Demand: Passing-Bablok Regression Webinar

Robust Regression Techniques for Method Comparison Webinar

Recorded on: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 | 1:00 PM Eastern (US) Time

In this webinar you will learn:

  1. How robust regression techniques (Theil-Sen and Passing-Bablok regression) for method comparison are derived and how they work.
  2. The assumptions underlying the different methods.
  3. How these methods compare to non-robust methods like linear or Deming regression.

Speaker: Florian Dufey, PhD

Cost: $99.00. Member discounts apply.

Member price: $0.00 → $0.00

List Price: FREE
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Chairholder: Florian Dufey, PhD

Date of Webinar: October 6, 2020

CLSI On Demand: Passing-Bablok Regression Webinar Additional Details

For information on CLSI’s education courses and webinar policies read here.