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Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests, 14th Edition

CLSI M02 covers the current recommended methods for disk susceptibility testing and criteria for quality control testing.

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Chairholder: Barbara L. Zimmer, PhD

Date of Publication: March 19, 2024

Order Code PDF: CLSI M02Ed14E
ISBN Number: 978-68440-225-0

Order Code Print: CLSI M02Ed14
ISBN Number: 978-68440-224-3

Edition: Fourteenth

Pages: 96

CLSI M02 Abstract

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute M02—Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests includes a series of procedures to standardize the way disk diffusion tests are performed. The performance, applications, and limitations of the current CLSI-recommended methods are also described. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is indicated for any organism that contributes to an infectious process warranting antimicrobial chemotherapy, if its susceptibility cannot be reliably predicted from knowledge of the organism’s identity. Susceptibility tests are most often indicated when the causative organism is thought to belong to a species capable of exhibiting resistance to commonly used antimicrobial agents. Various laboratory methods can be used to measure the in vitro susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial agents. In many medical microbiology laboratories, a disk diffusion method is used routinely for testing common, rapidly growing, and certain fastidious bacterial pathogens. The supplemental information (CLSI M1001 tables) used with this standard represents the most current information for drug selection, interpretation, and QC using the procedures standardized in CLSI M02.